The weekend that was!

Wow…it has been amazing over the last couple of days. The event at the Law School gave me a chance to share and discuss the Vision Green with a number of professors and students.

The rest of the weekend involved distributing information sheets to as many households as possible in Elmwood-Transcona. We have now covered a good chunk of the riding. We used every piece of paper we printed, all the business cards and even flyers from the last election. No waste…the Green Party way!

I finished the last batch off myself today (didn’t want to bother the other volunteers on thanksgiving)….this morning I met a neat gentleman who is rebuilding his house out of recycled materials…..his house will include a wind-based electricity generator.

I ended near the same spot in the afternoon, when I met two men who were debating politics. One of them needed some paving stones lifted out of his truck….I was happy to prove that some candidates can still do work and lift heavy things!

It was a great campaign and a great experience. Working with the campaign team was amazing. Meeting people and discussing issues with them both at the debates and on the doorsteps of their homes was truly invigorating, many of the people we got to speak with were very interested in a wide range of issues, I am now certain that many of the people in Elmwood-Transcona do care about a lively, sustainable future which is marked by social justice…. Now all that is left is to vote!

I hope everyone votes according to their conscience tomorrow.



Chris Hrynkow


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